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Всего записей: 20; страниц: 3 2 |
 07 декабря 2021 | BTMAHow To Squeeze Oil From Corn–BTMA Corn is a very common crop, which is basically grown in rural areas. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the research and development of science and technology, many people have asked whether corn can be used for oil extraction? The...  07 декабря 2021 | BTMAPeony Seed Oil Extraction Process–BTMA Peony seed oil is an oil that is in large demand in the market in recent years. Peony seed oil can be used for cosmetics, so it is more expensive. The planting area of oil peony has also been greatly increased. In general, oil extractio...  07 декабря 2021 | BTMASesame Oil Press Pressing Process–BTMA The pressing process of the sesame oil press is mainly hot pressing (cooked pressing). Other raw materials such as rapeseed, peanuts, oil sunflower, flax, etc. can be pressed hot or cold. Sesame is an oil crop with a high oil content, and the oil con...   07 декабря 2021 | BTMAWhat Are The Advantages Of The New Oil Press? The new oil press has a large market share at present. In particular, modern oil mills have requirements for work efficiency, and more and more oil mills purchase new oil presses to press oil. For many old oil mills, the face is the obsolescence and ...  07 декабря 2021 | BTMAHow To Make The Oil Press Equipment Squeeze The First-Class Oil? The standard of edible oil is divided into several grades. Grade 1 oil is a good edible oil. How to make the oil press equipment squeeze the first-class oil is a problem that many oil mills are very concerned about. Only good oil can withstand the te... 07 декабря 2021 | BTMAWhat’s Wrong With The Oil Press Not Feeding–BTMA The oil press is a mechanical equipment with a high market share at present. For the oil press, the correct operation is very important to the oil yield and use effect. It is very important for the oil press to achieve zero-fault operation during use...  07 декабря 2021 | BTMAWhat Problems Need To Be Faced When Opening Oil Mills It is necessary for many novices to understand clearly what problems need to be faced when opening an oil mill. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can the oil mill be profitable. Many novices blindly buy an oil press to open an oil mill when they ...
Всего записей: 20; страниц: 3 2 |