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Zhejiang Aibote Environmental Technologies Inc, ООО

Zhejiang Aibote Environmental Technologies Inc, ООО
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Адрес:Inception in 2005, Zhejiang Aibote Environmental Technologies Inc is a Water Filtration Systems Manufacturer and Water Treatment Systems Company, Built according to the concept of intelligence, informatization, and automation, Aibote not only possesses full-automatic production lines and high-precision equipment but also applies four master systems (PLM, ERP, SRM, APS) in company operation and management. By introducing MES and WMS systems, Aibote has achieved full process coverage of lean production and QC management.
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Focusing on customized product development and manufacturing, Aibote has serviced hundreds of OEM/ODM customers including Fortune Global 500 companies, top American kitchen products brands, and top European home appliance brands.

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